Streaming and Kids.  Must-Have Gadgets and Must-See Shows

Streaming and Kids.  Must-Have Gadgets and Must-See Shows

Keeping kids entertained can be a challenge! Parents know that at some point screen time becomes a necessity.   Here are some gadget and content recommendations that Jenn Epstein, co-founder of Sideclick, recommends when her kids (ages 9 and 6) are streaming.  


Sideclick Remote

Sideclick is a universal remote that attaches to the streaming device remote so that you can control the TV, sound bar, and streaming device all-in-one.  It is a simple add-on remote invented by parents, Brett and Jenn Epstein, who saw that their daughters had a hard time juggling multiple remotes or over-complicated universal remotes when streaming.  The Sideclick simplifies the streaming experience for the whole family.

Circle with Disney

Circle with Disney is a $99 device that allows parents to manage every device on their home’s wifi.  With Circle, parents can set time limits on apps and filter content based on age levels for each member of your family.   Did your 9 year old just roll her eyes at you when you told her to go brush her teeth for the eleventh time?  Now you can pause the internet with a single tap.  #MomWin


Here is a list of some of our favorite shows that are both educational and entertaining.  

  1. Odd Squad - PBS Kids App (Free).   A live-action show designed to help kids ages 5-8 learn math.  Super entertaining with Spy/Investigator themes and humor that both parents and kids will enjoy.

  2. Julie’s Greenroom - Netflix original.  This show stars Julie Andrews who is joined by her assistant Gus and the “Greenies,” a cast of original puppets built by The Jim Henson Company.  The episodes include elements of the performing arts and every episode features a guest star that engages with the puppets and audience in a specific area of the performing arts.  

  3. Just Add Magic - Amazon Prime Video.  This live-action family television series, loosely based on the book of the same name by Cindy Callaghan.  Preteen chefs and friends investigate how magical recipes work and face the temptations of using magic to help overcome the everyday challenges of being middle school girls.

  4. Fuller House - Netflix.  I loved Full House when I was younger and I love watching Fuller House with my girls now.  Ok, maybe this one isn't so educational but it's super fun so who cares?!? Some of the themes can be a slightly inappropriate but most of that goes over their heads anyway.  Afterall, when I was little,  I thought Aunt Becky and Uncle Jesse were really just doing their taxes upstairs.  

These gadgets and shows are in our parenting arsenal.  What shows or gadgets are must-haves in your home?

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